Time of Lambing

Time of Lambing

The Time We Control

This module takes participants through the key elements of optimising the time of lambing for their enterprise.

Sessions : 5

Timing of Sessions : Will be calculated from the first day of joining (Day 0)

Team Cost : $1125 + GST (covers all five sessions)

Exchange Cost : $220 + GST (covers all five sessions)

Days from start of joining
Key Topics


Pre-Joining (-70 days)

Session 1 focuses on the enterprise region and reviews goals, feed supply and reproductive potential.


Pre-Joining (-25 days)

Session 2 focuses on the impacts seasonal breeding and time of joining can have on the reproductive rate if flocks. 


Post-Scanning (+110 days)

Session 3 focuses on benefits that will increase reproduction rates.


Pre-Lambing (+130 days)

Session 4 focuses on the key strategies to assess animals demands. 


Post-Weaning (+250 days)

Session 5 focuses on the key benefits of lambing times on production and maximising future production by focusing on joining and ewe management post-weaning. 


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